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meet Landing: gen Z's inspiration and curation platform

Why is your project in the Collective Media collective? Landing is all about visual creativity, identity expression, niche community connection, and play. Our global community of 350K+ creators from over 190 countries create and share visually rich collages (”boards”) - everything from Taylor Swift and Gilmore Girls fan art, to Vision Boards, Tomato Girl Fits, To Be Read Lists, and Daily Visual Journals. Landing is a place to explore your creativity, and share your ideas, your hopes and your aspirations - not just selfies. Our community is often described as the “kindest place on the internet”, and we LOVE that.

Introduce us to yourself and your team! Who are the builders?

I'm Miri, cofounder of Landing alongside Ellie. We're a team of 10 humans who are obsessed with building a more creative, supportive social platform that inspires you!

Which of the CM shared principles is most important to your mission?

Building with our communities.

Share your biggest win so far!

We just hit 100K+ downloads of our app and 4.5M images uploaded to the platform!

Share the biggest challenge in realizing your vision.

When your vision is so big, it's hard to say no. We get thousands of requests every day for new features and updates that would make Landing better. It's really hard to say no and keep laser focused on our priorities.

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